Do you go to a job everyday that you do not like?
At work, do you have that one person that makes your skin crawl?
Do you have a manager that talks like he or she is chewing his face?
Do you have a manager that thinks the world rise and sets at his discretion?
Do you sometimes go to sleep thinking about a good excuse to use when you call in the next morning?
Do you work full-time and still do not make enough to pay bills?
Do you have to occasionally leave your children with a neighbor you hardly know, just to go to work?
Do you have to work with people that are rude and you have to bite your tongue just to be polite?
If you have answered yes to any of these questions, then you need to make a career change. You are a time bomb waiting to go off. You are holding all of these things in and not venting. That is not good for you or your children. Eventually you are going to lash out on them and really hurt their feelings.
Take a day to yourself and just relax; go to a spa.
After a day at the spa, go home and make some adjustments to your resume. Tweek it a little. Remember, resumes are tricky. Companies want you to list employment that can go back ten years. But if you list too many jobs, they will not hire you. If you know you are one of those people that work two jobs and you have had many throughout that ten year period, DO NOT LIST ALL 15 OF YOUR JOBS. Lol Really look at your resume, list only up to about three maybe. Choose the three that you were employed the longest time. If you have any gaps in your employment, just say you took some time off to raise your children. Or, maybe during that time, you may have went back to school.
Just get it together. Talk to someone.
Your friend,